The Right Tradeshow Services Chicago

Whether it’s your first convention or you’ve been around Chicago trade shows or events, you have a pretty good idea of how important it is to get the attention of attendees. Which makes choosing the right tradeshow services a critical component to your success.

But that’s why we’re here!

Viper is ready to take your trade show exhibit experience and take it to the next level. By providing comprehensive services and support, to ensure a successful Chicago trade show booth design.

Why take the chance of missing connections and new customers?

Partner with us and maximize your presence on the show floor.

Custom Trade Show Booth

You may ask yourself; do I need a custom booth?

While you have many options on how you can execute your exhibit design, why not do everything you can?

Viper can help you flesh out an idea into a complete plan of action. From layouts, to guiding guests, and even exit strategies. Which helps eliminate over-crowding, while providing an informative visit to attendees and other exhibitors.

With a custom tradeshow exhibit booth, display, or exhibit, its design is only limited by your ambition. Which provides you with a perfect setting to draw in visitors, make a lasting impression, and turn them into customers.

If you would like to learn more about what Viper can do for you, please call 847.426.3100 and speak with one of our representatives. They can discuss your needs in more detail and can answer questions regarding our tradeshow services in Chicago. Or send us a message by filling out the form found on this page, and we will contact you soon!

Tradeshow Services Chicago - Trade Show display graphics
Tradeshow Services Chicago - Show Room Floor

Unique Trade Show Displays Chicago

One of the hardest things in a crowded convention center is capturing the intrigue of a target audience. So, what can you do?

The solution is simple enough: create an exhibit display that appeals to the people you want to attract. The execution, however, is where things are a little harder.

You must consider every detail. From color schemes, lighting, displays, and possibly even furniture.

We know it sounds like a lot to handle. But Viper is here to help.

Our experienced design team creates captivating booths and displays. Specially designed to capture intrigue and draw people in. With everything happening on a show floor, you have seconds at best to grab the attention.

And that is where we shine!

We carefully plan out every one of our custom trade show displays in Chicago. Taking every detail into consideration to create an experience. Where your customers can learn everything they need, quickly and efficiently. The last thing you want to do is lose someone’s attention when you already have it.

So, our tradeshow services do just that. Draw in the crowds, then your charm and products will do the rest!

Show off your Brand On-Site

Aside from standing out, it is important to provide potential clients with a clear idea of who you are and what you do.

As a part of our process, we create visual displays, signs, and arrange lighting effectively to show off your branding. This way, when someone walks to your booth, they know who you are. By doing this, attendees already have some information before they even reach your booth!

You don’t want to blend into the sea of displays and fall into the shadows of competitors. Instead, work with Viper and make sure that everyone sees your brand.

Why Work with Viper?

Because you will not find another company in Chicago offering tradeshow services with the same level of commitment.

We also have over 27 years of experience providing dependable trade show services and solutions. Over our time in the industry, we have developed a reputation of a team who can deliver results. Known for our resourcefulness and capability to deliver complete trade show solutions.

Maybe it’s our winning attitude, maybe it’s our need to see you succeed, but mostly it is our passion for ensuring our clients get the most out of their next trade show in Chicago.

Contact us and Let’s Make you a Star Exhibitor!

To get started with our tradeshow services, please call 847.426.3100. Where one of our Chicago associates will be available. They can answer questions you may have and can discuss your needs in more detail. You can also send us a message by filling out the form found on this page, and we will contact you shortly!

Tradeshow Services Chicago - Entry to Exhibit

Have Questions? We Have Answers.

Email a Viper Tradeshow Professional. Complete the form below.